Comprehensive solution of numerical simulations related to fluid flow and considering the influence of heat.

Experimentally validated solutions with emphasis on high task robustness and solution correctness.

Fully modifiable user interfaces and implemented functionalities leading to higher efficiency and work reliability.

AeroFLOW® based on the open GNU General Public License. The user is not in any way bound by the number of licenses in use or the number of used CPUs.

Powerful HPC solution.

Typical Usage

The AeroFLOW® solution can be used both as a fully-fledged main CFD solver, but also as s complement to the commonly used commercial CFD licenses.

Routine Computational Analyses

AeroFLOW® solver deployment in numerical analysis (routinely performed in commercial systems so far) can significantly reduce the cost of licensing fees. The possibility to use an unlimited number of CPUs greatly accelerate the development process.

Deployment options for AeroFLOW®:

Demanding non-stationary tasks

By using the AeroFLOW® solution for analyzes that are very demanding in terms of computation time and/or the number of simultaneously running CPUs, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of used “commerical” licenses; or to solve large, complex and demanding tasks and optimizations on many CPUs at the same time.

Solved Areas of Use

Incompressible flow and heat transfer

  • Airflow in components
  • Airflow in wind tunnel / reality
  • Water flow
  • Cooling and heat transfer

Compressible flow

  • Flow in turbines
  • Flow in compressors
  • Flow in bearings

Multi-phase flow

  • Tracing movements of dust particles (dust separation)
  • Flow of gas and liquid mixture (oil and water separation)

Typical Implementation Steps

  • Reference analysis (of a real task)
  • Solution optimization and GUI preparation
  • Installation on the client’s site + training

Regular updates of the source code for the offered open source solutions are monitored by a team of experts. Implemented are precisely those updates that have an impact on the issues being address in our implementations. This procedure prevent potential conflicts and incompatibilities between the code implemented by us and the code which is publicly innovated and developed on the principle of open source. In this manner, we provide high robustness and accuracy of the offered solutions.

Expert Team

  • Michal, The Ph.D., expert on theoretical Physics
  • Milan, The Ph.D., expert on applied Physics
  • Martin, The MSc., specialist in fluid mechanics
  • Michal, The Ph.D., expert in applied thermomechanics
  • David, The Ph.D., expert in fluid mechanics
  • Jan, The MSc., specialist in mathematics and signal processing
  • Michal, The MSc., expert in applied mechanics
  • Petr, The MSc., specialist in acoustic
  • Marek, The MSc., specialist in model preparation
  • Petr, The MSc., specialist in model preparation
  • Michal, The MSc., specialist in bearing systems
  • Tomas, The MSc., specialist in enviromental processes
  • Michal, The MSc., expert in applied mechanics - team program manager

Support and Maintenance

Our team of experts dedicated to AeroFLOW® support provides customer implementations of methodologies with regard to solution integration in the development process of the company. This is to accelerate development work and reduce demands on the use of commercial solutions and the same time.

In case of customer interest, we can also provide maintenance of the system, i.e. ensuring functionality when switching to a different operating system. These activities are contractually solved in accordance to customer requirements.

In addition to the implementation services, we also offer assistance with the preparation of models and computational capacity, including analytical engineering and consultations.


AeroFLOW® is an Open Source solution based on the open GPL license. Some functionalities and modifiable used interface is covered by the LGPL license, or are designed as purely proprietary.


AeroFLOW® is a registered trademark. The trademark is registered in the trademark register administered by the Industrial Property Office.


High Performance Computer is a type of a computer cluster designated for solving computationally intensive tasks, where multiple interconnected computers are used for computing power increase.

Open Source

Open Source is a software with an open source code, where the term “open source” is understood both as its technical availability and as a legally available software license, which, under given circumstances, allows the users to not only view and use the source code, but to also modify it.


GNU General Public License. Software distributed under the GPL license can be freely used, modified and distributed, provided that the software is distributed free of charge (excluding potential distribution fees) with the possibility of obtaining the source code free of charge. This provision applies not only to the software itself, but also to any software derived from it.
Exact Wording  


GNU Lesser General Public License represents licensing conditions for software distribution similar to license terms of GNU GPL and are primarily targeted for distribution of dynamically linked libraries (however it is possible to use them also for a standalone application). Their purpose is to provide rights and obligations guaranteed by GNU GPL (i.e. unrestricted use, source code access, the possibility for modifications, and distribution of original and modified versions always under the same license), whist allowing their use for programs with different licensing terms.
Exact Wording  


Graphical User Interface in computed terminology means such a user interface, where a set of interactive graphical means allow controlling the computer and software.


In the case of computed software, “proprietary” can be understood as having such properties, that the author controls by a license or states the conditions of use in some other way. The source code of such software does not need to be freely available, it is not possible to modify it, or distribute it without the permission of the author.


Comparison of individual licensing agreements

License The right to modify the program The right to distribute copies of the program (both original and modified) Dependent code must be published under the same license The user of an executable version has the right to the source code The obligation to promote the author
Proprietary software NO NO - NO -