
    Propulsion systems

    High speed electric pumps

    Greatly simplified by using of PMSM to drive the pump instead of turbine

    • Higher efficiency than comparable asynchronous motors
    • Hydrodynamic bearings
    • Gas lubricated bearings
    • High speed synchronous motor
    • Innovative sealing

    Based on 30 years of heritage in rotating machines

    Electric high speed pumps and valves

    Landers and Mining

    Zero G landing testing

    Space Mechanisms and components

    Component and mechanism design production and testing


    Complex dummy systems design, production and testing


    Design, production and testing

Space Habitats


habitat Crystal Crystal is the latest contribution of Sobriety to the international collaboration to develop a habitat for extreme terrestrial environments. The habitat is used in emergency situations in the regions threatened by hurricanes or already hit by them. Crystal's structure is designed to safely withstand the wind strength of a hurricane. It can be dropped from helicopters to the affected area. The light-weight, self-deployable structure of this mobile habitat provides comfortable terrestrial living space for two people. Its design consistently utilizes the principles applied to thin-walled aircraft structures and is systematically verified using computer simulation codes MSC.NASTRAN, ANSYS and AeroFLOW.

habitat Crystal

The Crystal's concept has been developed from the very beginning by Sobriety team in cooperation with experts from the Brno University of Technology and Space Innovations. A MockUp of this emergency habitat is being tested in the Czech Republic. Mid of June 2012 this unique equipment was flown to Florida, where it was demonstrated in the Space Studies Program 2012. This program is hosted by the International Space University at Florida Institute of Technology and NASA Kennedy Space Center.

  • habitat Crystal
  • habitat Crystal
  • habitat Crystal

References :

TV report broadcast on CT 1 (Czech Television 1) and CT24 on prototype habitat Crystal:
Události (Events) (CT 11.6.2012 time 34:38 - 36:22)

Article containing a report on CT Brno website:
Article on CT Brno website

Article on habitat in the daily Právo -
Unique tent from Brno for people hit by disaster ...

The International Space University's 25th Space Studies Program:


habitat Omicron Omicron is an orbital habitat that responds to a growing public interest in commercial and tourist space flights. It accommodates a three-person crew (two passengers and one astronaut). Omicron's basic core is the module of Russian space station Salyut. The concept focuses mainly on the interior design for microgravity conditions emphasizing a high degree of safety and comfort. Space tourist may not necessarily be trained sportsmen; they can even have below-average motor skills or be physically handicapped. The spacious cabin and microgravity environment allow practically everybody to impart his/her body considerable kinetic energy. Omicron's interior is made of flexible, inflatable walls, which fulfill a similar safety function as a gym mat. It makes use of the properties of a flexible structure, inserted in an outer rigid shell of the spaceship.

habitat Omicron

This concept, known as a house within a house in the terrestrial architecture, has great potential to improve the quality of the originally solid structure of the interior walls, through secure and flexible layout. This layout is adapted to the current needs of the team to improve the movement in weightlessness, the infrastructure in the interstices and the indoor climate. Further improvements is to reduce the weight and energy consumption of the HVAC system, and a discharge of the rigid outer shell of the internal pressure.

    habitat Omicron habitat Omicron

The Omicron concept was prepared by the Sobriety team (led by the architect Ondřej Doule, Ph.D., Space Innovations) and developed in collaboration with experts from the International Space University and ESA YGT. The results were presented in a scientific paper entitled "Omicron Space Habitat Research Level II", Acta Astronautica, Volume 70, pp. 139-158.

  • habitat Crystal
  • habitat Crystal
  • habitat Crystal
References :

DOULE, O.; ŠÁLENÝ, V.; HÉRIN, B.; ROUSEK, T. 2011. 'Omicron space habitat-research stage II', Acta Astronautica, September 2011

DOULE, O.; ŚÁLENÝ, V.; HÉRIN, B. 2011. 'Omicron Orbital Hotel', Newspace Conference 2011, NASA Ames Research Center, 28-30 July 2011


LB 10 is a concept of lunar base for 10 astronauts that will form a part of a wider complex of structures on the moon surface, located in the vicinity of the Lunar North Pole. This complex is designed both for scientific research and for commercial purposes. It includes a landing pad, the lunar base LB 10 itself, a nuclear reactor and two survey telescopes.


LB10 is conceived as an autonomous, robotically deployable structure. The entire base will be transported as a single payload in the transport space of a heavy-lift launcher Ariane V. After its deployment, LB10 will provide the interior comparable with a living space of three family houses. 'Terrestrial ' microclimate inside the habitat is separated from the deep vacuum environment with inflatable Kevlar coat several tenths of a millimeter thick. This light-weight, inflatable structure will be then robotically covered with outer walls made of moon dust (Regolith) that will be sintered by microwaves and so turned into compact mass. The Regolith dome will protect astronauts against cosmic radiation and micrometeorites.


The LB 10 concept was prepared by the Sobriety team (led by the architect Ondřej Doule, Ph.D., Space Innovations) and developed in collaboration with experts from the International Space University and ESA YGT. The results were presented in a scientific paper entitled „A Lunar Base with Astronomical Observatory" na 41st International Conference on Enviromental Systems 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA 17-21 July 2011, Volume 1 of 4, ISBN: 978-1-61839-332-6.

  • LB10
  • LB10
References :

The LB10 concept was presented in the program 'Port' broadcast by CT:
Vesmírná architektura (Space architecture)

Paper presented at 41. International Conference on Environmental Systems 17 - 21 July 2011, Portland, Oregon:
DOULE, O.; DETSIS, E.; EBRAHIMI, A.; ŠÁLENÝ, V. 2011. ' A Lunar Base with Astronomical Observatory', AIAA 41th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Portland, Oregon, 17 – 20 July 2011 - interview with a space architect:
The future belongs to inflatable structures


The Sobriety company has become the part of a consortium of seven companies and academic institutions from the European Union, which stands behind the S.H.E.E. project (Self-deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments). This project is based on the current technology research to design a folding self-deployable unit for use in extreme conditions, or areas affected by natural disasters. The S.H.E.E. unit, whose viability will be verified by Sobriety computer simulations, must be able to satisfy basic needs of its inhabitants, recycle water and produce electricity.

Links :

S.H.E.E. webpage:

Article about project S.H.E.E. on the Space Safety Magazine:
S.H.E.E. Brings Space Architecture to Earth: Pan-European Consortium Launches an Innovative Project

DOULE, O.; IMHOF, B.; HOHENEDER, W.; WEISS, P.; ŠÁLENÝ, V.; GANCET, J.; ILZKOVITZ, M. 2013. 'Self-deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments - innovative architecture testbed for terrestrial and space applications supported by FP7', 64th International Astronautical Congres, Beijing, China, 23-27 September 2013

DOULE, O.; WACHTL, O.; ERIKSSON, K.; PLATT, D.; ŠÁLENÝ, V.; EBRAHIMI, A. 2013. 'Sinterhab v2: Deployment, Life Support Integration and its Architecture Spin-Offs', 64th International Astronautical Congres, Beijing, China, 23-27 September 2013

WONG, N.; DOULE, O.; CERMACK, M.; ŠÁLENÝ, V. 2012. 'Inflatable Land Shelter Demonstrator', AIAA 42nd International Conference on Environmental Systems, San Diego, California, 15-19 July 2012. AIAA 2012-3558