Material Testing

POTERON - The Lifespan Monitoring System

POTERON Measuring of:

  • Crack propagation
  • Creep deformations
  • Crack initiation (fatigue)
  • Wall thickness reduction
  • Corrosion losses
  • Crack depth measurements

POTERON Features:

  • Low and high temperatures (up to 1200 °C)
  • Measuring during running conditions (heating, cooling, vibrating, deforming, ...)
  • Material degradation diagnostics by using of ACPD/DCPD/Corrected DCPD
  • Measurement applications (accuracy 1 ‰, resolution 0.01‰)
  • Wide range of metallic, conductive and semi-conductive materials use
  • Wireless access and on-line diagnostics

POTERON Applicable to:

  • Material samples with limited access (High pressure chambres...)
  • Dangerous locations with high radiation enviroments
  • Extreeme chemical environments
  • Explosive environments
Permanent installation example


Instaling and measuring

Selection of measurement locations
Installation of electrodes on material samples
Reference measurements and setting the system
Start measurement


POTERON PD-05 (Four channel measurement unit)

  • Four multiplexed channels
  • 18-bit data acquisition, ±5V, 0.2% accuracy
  • Measurement current 1A
  • Communication interface – USB, RS232, RS485, Bluetooth, GSM, ...
  • 3.3” LCD display
  • Up to 1000Hz measurement frequency, stability better than 0.01%
  • Tunable gain 1 – 128x in 8 steps
  • Tunable offset ±1000mV in 12 steps
  • 12V, 1400mA power consumption
  • Applicable to radiation enviroments
Four channel measurement unit Poteron PD-05
Four channel measurement unit Poteron PD-05

Four channel measurement unit Poteron PD-05

Poteron PD-05 Packaging

Poteron PD-05 Packaging


  • Nuclear Research Institute, Řež, CZ
  • Testsure Technology Ltd, Manchester, GB
  • SCK•CEN, Mol, BE
  • SIEMPELKAMP Pruf- und Gutachter Geselschaft MBH, Dresden, DE
  • European Comission – JRC, Petten, NL
  • Vítkovice Steel, Research and Development Division, Ostrava, CZ
  • The Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, CZ
  • SVUM Prague, CZ
  • Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CVUT Prague, CZ
  • Institute of Physics of Materials of the ASCR, v. v. i., Brno, CZ
  • DAKEL s.r.o., Rpety, CZ
  • TEDIKO s.r.o., Chomutov, CZ
  • Nuclear power plants (TW, MX, BR)
  • ČEZ Power plants
    • ČEZ Power plant Počerady, CZ
    • ČEZ Power plant Opatovice, CZ
    • ČEZ Power plant Mělník, CZ
    • ČEZ Power plant Chvatelice, CZ
    • ČEZ Power plant Tušimice, CZ
    • ČEZ Power plant Dětmarovice, CZ
    • ČEZ Power plant Ledvice, CZ
Reference map


    • Material testing using potential drop techniquel

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    • Poteron PD-05

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